Student Resources

Careers Resource Centre

91¶ÌÊÓƵ offers a Career Development program that encourages and supports students to aim high and make informed decisions about their future career pathways.

Today’s students are likely to change careers several times across multiples industries, therefore the skills required to manage such career development form the focus of the Careers program, with age and stage appropriate information and experiences available for all girls from Years 7 to 12.

By the time they graduate, all our students should have developed a strong sense of self, as well as the necessary skills to manage their career decisions and planning as adults.

The Kilbreda Careers Centre is located in the Library and is open every day for students to browse course materials and employment information. Wherever possible, the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework is used to direct activities and curriculum.

Finding your passion is the key to your success Tracy Kauffman


Careers services and resources include:

  • Information on tertiary courses, VTAC, gap year programs, job search techniques, scholarships, overseas exchange opportunities, early entry schemes and vocational education guides
  • Tertiary presentations for students in Years 10, 11 and 12
  • Year 10 Futures Week and Work Experience exploration
  • Fortnightly Careers newsletters
  • Lunchtime Résumé Preparation Workshops
  • Interview Skills Preparation Workshops
  • Source employment opportunities

Careers Website

Detailed information regarding all career’s events for students at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ, open days at tertiary institutions, expos and much more are available at the Careers Centre website.

Careers Coordinator

Ms Laura Lunardi