Girls’ schools are ideally positioned to educate, inspire and nurture the girls of today, who will be the leaders of tomorrow.
At our College, every student leadership role is filled by a girl, from Class Captain to College Captain, from captain of the football team to the lead role in our college production.
Our students are surrounded by strong female role models, and learn that girls can lead in any field!
Facts about Girls’ Schools
Girls’ schools champion the educational needs of girls. - ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT
Girls’ schools create a culture of achievement. - BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE
At girls’ schools, girls occupy every role. - DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP SKILLS
Girls’ schools empower students to become bold leaders. - FOCUS ON STEM
Girls’ schools champion the educational needs of girls as a group that is underrepresented in STEM majors and careers. - DEDICATION TO HOW GIRLS LEARN
Girls’ schools know how girls learn best. - NURTURING HIGHER ASPIRATIONS
Girls’ school students strive for greatness. - PROVIDING EXCELLENT MENTORING
Girls’ school students are mentored by a community of peers, teachers, and school administrators. - PREPARING GIRLS FOR THE REAL WORLD
Girls’ schools engage students in activities that prepare them for life beyond the classroom. - ALLOWING GIRLS TO BE THEMSELVES
Girls’ schools provide an environment where students feel safe to express themselves and engage in an open and safe exchange of ideas.
View the video for more interesting facts.
The College is proud to be a member of the a leading voice for the advancement of girls’ education